• Tom DeVocht

    A Short Biography
    Tom DeVocht

    A former Church of Scientology construction manager. By his own admission, he is an unrepentant liar and is proud of it. Indeed, he boasts there is nothing wrong with lying for financial gain, so long as “you don’t get caught.” After having already been given multiple chances to redeem himself for past failings and work related mess-ups, he was caught making unauthorized expenditures of large sums of Church funds on failed construction projects. He was immediately removed from any position of authority. This pathological liar then left the Church in 2005, never to return.

    Uncovered after his departure, courtesy of Marty Rathbun, was that Rathbun and DeVocht had coached witnesses to lie in a protracted legal case in Florida. DeVocht had kept this from everyone while he was in the Church, even his wife. Yet again, keeping things from his wife wasn’t new for DeVocht who admitted to having sold two of his wife’s cars while she was out of town, then pocketing and spending the money. He also frittered away over $100,000 of her inheritance and shortly before he left the Church forever, admitted to having stolen cash from his now ex-wife’s grandmother on their wedding day.